Buyer Information
Let us help you find the perfect property
Tell us a little about what you're looking for and we can help you find the perfect property. We can help you find residential, commercial, land, homesites and more...
Before buying a home
Determine how much you can borrow, the importance of your credit report, count the cost, documents you will need, selecting a realtor and more…
Mortgage information
Mortgage terminology can be confusing. Learn more about adjustable rate mortgages, amortization, balloon loans, caps, ceilings, closing costs and more...
Home inspections
Depending on the type of financing you choose, there should be either two or three separate inspections of the home you want to purchase. Inspections are designed to disclose defects in the property that could materially affect its safety, livability or resale value. Learn more...
Buying land
How great it is to leave the city for a place of solitude and relaxation! Whether you are considering buying land as an investment or for personal use, finding the property of your choice and improving it to your dreams are attractive incentives. more...
Foreclosures and short sales are a fact of life in today’s real estate market. Learn more about foreclosures, short sales, how to take advantage of an opportunity, limit your risk and more...